Touch GIS offers flexibility in the field due to its user-friendly and customizable interface. The app allows users to create, edit, and view geospatial data with ease, making it a critical tool for fieldwork.
Touch GIS offers various features, such as GPS tracking, offline maps, and the ability to work with a variety of data formats, including shapefiles, GeoJSON, KML, and more. These features enable users to collect and manage data in the field and share it with team members or stakeholders, regardless of their location or internet connectivity.
But perhaps the greatest flexibility lies in Touch GIS's easy-to-use feature class manager - making it simple to add or modify feature classes and attribute fields on the fly. Here’s a quick overview of managing feature classes with Touch GIS:
Feature Classes
Feature classes are a way of defining features (points, lines, polygons) that share attribute fields and a style. Feature classes help you standardize your data collection. The attribute fields included in a feature class are sometimes referred to as forms. Feature classes are housed inside of Feature Class Datasets.

Feature Class Datasets
A feature class dataset is a group of feature classes and can include point, line, and polygon types. Feature class datasets allow you to group realted feature classes for field use.
Creating A New Feature Class
Once inside a feature class dateset you'll see the options for creating new point, line, polygon, or circle classes. After selecting one of these options, you'll be prompted to give your feature class a name.

Editing A Feature Class
You can edit the style or attributes of a feature class at anytime by accessing them via the Options panel.
Learn more about creating and managing feature classes in Touch GIS >
Touch GIS offers the most flexible and customizable solutions for collecting and managing geospatial data in the field. Try it for free today!